The Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Devices research group is part of the Nanoscience division of the Department of Physics at the University of Strathclyde. The Department is a member of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA).
Research interests
💎 Semiconductor materials and device issues:
- Group III nitrides: AlN, GaN, InN and their alloys
- Materials doped with rare earth ions such as Eu3+
- Chalcopyrites and kesterites for solar cells, such as Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 and CZTS
- Gallium oxide optoelectronic devices
🎇 Spatially and spectrally resolved luminescence:
- Low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy
- Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging
- Electroluminescence hyperspectral imaging
🔬 Advanced scanning electron microscopy techniques:
- Electron backscatter diffraction
- Electron channelling contrast imaging
- Electron beam induced current
- Wavelength and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
⚛️ Experimental quantum nanoscience:
- Physics and applications of polariton condensates in microcavities
- Solid-state quantum systems for quantum information and nanophotonics
- Hybrid polariton-quantum dot platforms for scalable quantum hardware
🧮️ Semiconductor quantum electronics (SEQUEL):
- Semiconductor nanoscale systems
- Quantum computing and quantum electrical metrology
- Electrical initialisation and readout of spin qubits in SiC
- Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing (EPIQC)
📰 Group news
- October 2024: Welcome to Farnaz Hadizadeh who joins the GOOD group as a PhD student with Diamond Jubilee Research Scholarship.
- August 2024: Welcome to Mohammed Alessa who joins the GOOD group as a PhD student.
- June 2024: Welcome to Adam McMorris who won a Carnegie Vacation Scholarship for conducting a summer project in the GOOD group.
- April 2024: Welcome to Sean Douglas who joins the group as a post-doc working on project “Tuneable radiation-resilient (AlGa)2O3 UVC photodetectors” funded by the UK Space Agency.
- August 2023: Welcome to Conor McGeough, who joins the SEQUEL group as a post-doc.
- August 2023: Congratulations to Daniel Hunter on the successful defence of his PhD thesis, “Investigation of new semiconductor materials for wide band-gap devices”.
- So long to Prince Khatri, our post-doc who has left to take up a permanent position at the National Physical Laboratory.
- May 2022: Congratulations and good luck to Dr Naresh Kumar who has left the group after 13 years to take up a lectureship at Cardiff University.
- May 2022: Congratulations to (soon-to-be Dr) Douglas Cameron on the successful defence of his PhD thesis, “Nanocharacterisation of III-Nitride Semiconductors”.
- May 2022: Fabien Massabuau has been nominated for a Strath Union Teaching Excellence Award. Here are some pictures of the award ceremony in the new Union’s new building.
- September 2021: Lucia Spasevski has successfully defended her thesis “Correlation of composition and luminescence in AlGaN epilayers”, in which she compared the results of X-ray microanalysis and cathodoluminescence measurements. Congratulations, Lucia!
🥼 Join us! Jobs / PhD studentships available
- Funded PhD studentships in UV-C semiconductor characterisation and experimental quantum nanoscience.
📖 Latest publications
Investigation of (mis-)orientation in zincblende GaN grown on micro-patterned Si(001) using electron backscatter diffraction
Comparative study of the optical properties of \ensuremath\alpha-, \ensuremath\beta-, and \ensuremath\kappa-Ga2O3
Splitting of the absorption edge in the topological insulator Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S : mid-infrared magneto-optical study
Recycling self-assembled colloidal quantum dot supraparticle lasers
Tin gallium oxide epilayers on different substrates : optical and compositional analysis
Luminescence properties of dislocations in \ensuremath\alpha-Ga2O3
Simultaneous mapping of cathodoluminescence spectra and backscatter diffraction patterns in a scanning electron microscope
Unravelling the chloride dopant induced film improvement in all-inorganic perovskite absorber
📣 LinkedIn posts