SUPA logoUniversity of Strathclyde logoThe Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Devices research group is part of the Nanoscience division of the Department of Physics at the University of Strathclyde. The Department is a member of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA).

Research interests

💎 Semiconductor materials and device issues:

ECCI of threading dislocations

🎇 Spatially and spectrally resolved luminescence:

GaN micropyramid CL

🔬 Advanced scanning electron microscopy techniques:

Electron backscatter diffraction pattern

⚛️ Experimental quantum nanoscience:


  • Physics and applications of polariton condensates in microcavities
  • Solid-state quantum systems for quantum information and nanophotonics
  • Hybrid polariton-quantum dot platforms for scalable quantum hardware

🧮️ Semiconductor quantum electronics (SEQUEL):

  • Semiconductor nanoscale systems
  • Quantum computing and quantum electrical metrology
  • Electrical initialisation and readout of spin qubits in SiC
  • Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing (EPIQC)


📰 Group news
  • August 2023: Welcome to Conor McGeough, who joins the SEQUEL group as a post-doc.
  • August 2023: Congratulations to Daniel Hunter on the successful defence of his PhD thesis.
  • So long to Prince Khatri, our post-doc who has left to take up a permanent position at the National Physical Laboratory.
  • May 2022: Congratulations and good luck to Dr Naresh Kumar who has left the group after 13 years to take up a lectureship at Cardiff University.
  • May 2022: Congratulations to (soon-to-be Dr) Douglas Cameron on the successful defence of his PhD thesis, “Nanocharacterisation of III-Nitride Semiconductors”.
  • May 2022: Fabien Massabuau has been nominated for a Strath Union Teaching Excellence Award. Here are some pictures of the award ceremony in the new Union’s new building.
  • September 2021: Lucia Spasevski has successfully defended her thesis “Correlation of composition and luminescence in AlGaN epilayers”, in which she compared the results of X-ray microanalysis and cathodoluminescence measurements. Congratulations, Lucia!

Older news items are archived here.

🥼 Join us! Jobs / PhD studentships available
💎 New - Interactive crystal models
Explore crystal structures, lattice planes and dislocations
Interactive crystal models
📖 Latest publications
  • [doi] Simultaneous mapping of cathodoluminescence spectra and backscatter diffraction patterns in a scanning electron microscope
  • [doi] Unravelling the chloride dopant induced film improvement in all-inorganic perovskite absorber
  • [doi] Biotinylated photocleavable semiconductor colloidal quantum dot supraparticle microlaser
  • [doi] Crystal-field analysis of photoluminescence from orthorhombic Eu centers and energy transfer from host to Eu in GaN co-doped with Mg and Eu
  • [doi] Towards spin state tailoring of charged excitons in InGaAs quantum dots using oblique magnetic fields
  • [doi] Progress and applications of (Cu-)Ag-Bi-I semiconductors, and their derivatives, as next-generation lead-free materials for photovoltaics, detectors and memristors
  • [doi] Synthesis of plasmonically active titanium nitride using a metallic alloy buffer layer strategy
  • [doi] Simple photocleavable indoline-based materials for surface wettability patterning

A complete list of our papers can be found here.

📣 Twitter @semispecdev