The Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Devices research group is part of the Nanoscience division of the Department of Physics at the University of Strathclyde. The Department is a member of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA).
Research interests
💎 Semiconductor materials and device issues:
- Group III nitrides: AlN, GaN, InN and their alloys
- Materials doped with rare earth ions such as Eu3+
- Chalcopyrites and kesterites for solar cells, such as Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 and CZTS
- Gallium oxide optoelectronic devices
🎇 Spatially and spectrally resolved luminescence:
- Low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy
- Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging
- Electroluminescence hyperspectral imaging
🔬 Advanced scanning electron microscopy techniques:
- Electron backscatter diffraction
- Electron channelling contrast imaging
- Electron beam induced current
- Wavelength and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
⚛️ Experimental quantum nanoscience:
- Physics and applications of polariton condensates in microcavities
- Solid-state quantum systems for quantum information and nanophotonics
- Hybrid polariton-quantum dot platforms for scalable quantum hardware
🧮️ Semiconductor quantum electronics (SEQUEL):
- Semiconductor nanoscale systems
- Quantum computing and quantum electrical metrology
- Electrical initialisation and readout of spin qubits in SiC
- Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing (EPIQC)
📰 Group news
- October 2024: Welcome to Farnaz Hadizadeh who joins the GOOD group as a PhD student with Diamond Jubilee Research Scholarship.
- August 2024: Welcome to Mohammed Alessa who joins the GOOD group as a PhD student.
- June 2024: Welcome to Adam McMorris who won a Carnegie Vacation Scholarship for conducting a summer project in the GOOD group.
- April 2024: Welcome to Sean Douglas who joins the group as a post-doc working on project “Tuneable radiation-resilient (AlGa)2O3 UVC photodetectors” funded by the UK Space Agency.
- August 2023: Welcome to Conor McGeough, who joins the SEQUEL group as a post-doc.
- August 2023: Congratulations to Daniel Hunter on the successful defence of his PhD thesis, “Investigation of new semiconductor materials for wide band-gap devices”.
- So long to Prince Khatri, our post-doc who has left to take up a permanent position at the National Physical Laboratory.
- May 2022: Congratulations and good luck to Dr Naresh Kumar who has left the group after 13 years to take up a lectureship at Cardiff University.
- May 2022: Congratulations to (soon-to-be Dr) Douglas Cameron on the successful defence of his PhD thesis, “Nanocharacterisation of III-Nitride Semiconductors”.
- May 2022: Fabien Massabuau has been nominated for a Strath Union Teaching Excellence Award. Here are some pictures of the award ceremony in the new Union’s new building.
- September 2021: Lucia Spasevski has successfully defended her thesis “Correlation of composition and luminescence in AlGaN epilayers”, in which she compared the results of X-ray microanalysis and cathodoluminescence measurements. Congratulations, Lucia!
🥼 Join us! Jobs / PhD studentships available
- Funded PhD studentships in UV-C semiconductor characterisation and experimental quantum nanoscience.
📖 Latest publications
Role of the electron transport layer in dictating the nanoscale heterogeneity in all-inorganic perovskite absorbers – correlating the optoelectronic and crystallographic properties
Strain and luminescence properties of hexagonal hillocks in N-polar GaN
Investigation of (mis-)orientation in zincblende GaN grown on micro-patterned Si(001) using electron backscatter diffraction
Comparative study of the optical properties of \ensuremath\alpha-, \ensuremath\beta-, and \ensuremath\kappa-Ga2O3
Splitting of the absorption edge in the topological insulator Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S : mid-infrared magneto-optical study
David R. Dunphy, Manuel Bandala, Patrick Chard, Neil Cockbain, David Eaves, Paul Edwards, Daniel Hutchinson, Xiandong Ma, Stephen Marshall, Robert Martin, Paul Murray, Andrew Parker, Paul Stirzaker, James C. Taylor, Jaime Zabalza, and Malcolm J. Joyce. Developing a cost-effective multispectral imaging system for real-time nuclear fuel pellet inspection. In 2024 14th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), FIN, December 2024.
Recycling self-assembled colloidal quantum dot supraparticle lasers
Tin gallium oxide epilayers on different substrates : optical and compositional analysis
📣 LinkedIn posts